Rue Qian

Media Design Practice @
Art Center Collage of Design


Studio 3 is about our changing relationships to nature under the context of impending climate change and crisis.

We will some of these potential transformations, and speculate – through design – on their implications, their dangers, and their opportunities for humans and non-humans in the near future.

In this near future, severe weather conditions and global food shortages are prevalent. Humans are collectively exploring alternative relationships with food in an effort to mitigate carbon emissions from refrigeration and industrial food production. Compact systems embedded in the windows of urban residents' apartments as become a site for in-house hydroponics and fermentation, allowing for self-sufficient food production, processing, and preservation.

This approach confronts the standardization and mass production of food. It reclaims our relationship to food and our participation in its cultivation, building community and awareness of our connection to the environment. This compact system offers a hopeful and sustainable future, where people are empowered to embrace a more conscious and collaborative approach to food production and consumption, reducing carbon emissions while promoting urban agriculture and cultural exchange.